5. Web library - Flask

5.1. Introduction to the Flask library

Flask is one of the most common web frameworks for building web applications in Python, same as Django . The difference is that Flask is very lightweight, making it very easy to build basic web applications.

We can install the Python-flask library on the Lubancat board and use the library by writing some test code. Deploy a simple web page on our board.

5.2. Flask library installation

We use the apt tool to install.

# Enter the following command in the terminal to install the flask library:
sudo apt -y install python3-flask


pip3 install flask

Wait until the installation is complete.

5.3. Flask library usage

After installing the corresponding library, we can use the library to deploy a simple web page.

5.3.1. New project directory

Create a new directory first, which is convenient for project management, and the file directory is relatively simple.

# Create a new directory to store our web projects and enter the directory
mkdir webapp_flask &&  cd webapp_flask

# Create the directory of our webapp
mkdir -p app/static
mkdir app/templates
mkdir tmp

5.3.2. Add code file __init__.py

Create a simple initialization script for our webapp_flask package, placed in the app directory we just created:

# Create a new __init__.py in the app directory
vim __init__.py

The content is as follows:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)
from app import view views.py

In Flask, views are written as Python functions. Each view function maps to one or more requested URLs.

Let’s write the first view function views.py, the file is placed in the created app directory:

# Create a new view.py in the app directory
vim view.py

The content is as follows:

from app import app

def index():
    return "Hello, Lubancat!" run.py

The final step is to create a script that starts our application’s web server. This script is run.py, and put it in our webapp_flask directory, which is the top-level directory of the project webapp_flask:

# Create a new run.py in the webapp_flask directory
nano run.py

The content is as follows:

from app import app
# Debug mode, accessible via host address ""访问
app.run(debug = True,host="")

After run.py is created, some permissions need to be granted:

# Add permissions
chmod a+x run.py

The final file directory organization is as follows:


5.3.3. Run webapp

After the above operations, one of our simplest webapps has been organized. Next, we can start the app and view the effect through the browser.

# run app

The test code and its effects are as follows:


The app has started normally, and the terminal has printed out the service information. The information indicates that the web has been mapped to the host whose IP address is and port number is 5000 that we set in the previous code. Therefore, we can access our deployed webpage through this URL.


You can upload the supporting code libdemo\Flask\webapp_flask directory to the lubancat board for testing.

5.3.4. Reference

Flask official document